Thursday, February 14, 2013

the persons we love, err want

I hate it when I don’t get what I want.

The problem with us pampered kids; we became too used to having the things we have wanted that we have become brats. Growing up in a middle class family I got the chance to lay my hands on virtually what all the other cool kids have. I have the nicest shirts, the newest toys and we go to the theme park every weekend. I get to eat at the mall with my favorite meal at my favorite food chain while I sit at my favorite spot wearing my favorite shirt. So yes, I was (maybe still am) SPOILED. In a way, perhaps, because I did not really reach the tantrum stage and bargaining phase that most spoiled kids had. But the thing is, I was (and still am, I admit) used to having the WANTS I have.

Fast forward to now, and the Brat Brent have grown up.  When one finishes college and started working, the next big step is finally allowing the self to find a possible companion as one goes through the ladder of life. In a few words, the grown up brat is now ready to fall in love, to settle and to have someone to snuggle with.

But the thing is, this process is quite a hard thing for those who have become too used of having what they want. Because this time, the ‘want’ is a breathing individual capable of deciding whether he might ‘want’ you, too. – not to add, who might actually be as brat you are.

Let me simplify my blubber above; brats find it hard establishing a relationship with someone. Simply because of REJECTION. Rejection is a word that brats do not know. And commonly, the very first taste of this is from an individual who they have ‘wanted’, but did not ‘want’ them back. I know, I just know.

I do not blame my family for having loved me the way they have, but days like now make me wish I was taught that I would not have everything I have wanted, or every person I have wanted, err loved.
It’s a hard thing, but I am learning. I’d raise my glass for having learned something.

To all the brats! May we be loved by the persons we love, err want.

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